Karnataka Allied and Healthcare Professionals Association

Download the detailed information about AHSCON 2024 from this link. Link : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1E-sY6ohnkm9Go_q12ngvGJhcbcO0kGzl/view?usp=sharing
Registration details below

What does KAHPA do?

Representation and Advocacy:
To liaison between the members, stakeholders and the Government to promote the charter of the association to unveil fair policies and better working conditions for allied and healthcare professionals.

Networking Centre:
To facilitate members to have access to information and
sharing of thoughts, knowledge, experiences and best practices.

Value addition:
By introducing the novel patient caring system to enhancing
public gaze towards the allied and healthcare professionals.

How to Join KAHPA?

1. Download the application form using this link
Link : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSclO28eSOn_bojjI3yintlrLIg98auBlA0H6_g8k5eSmKmtEw/viewform?usp=sf_link

2. Fill out the membership application form and make the necessary payment online to the account details mentioned in the application form.

3. Send the payment details with the scanned copy of the application to kahpassociation@gmail.com,

4.Enjoy the myriad benefits that KAHPA membership brings to your professional journey.

5.Elevate your career, expand your network, and contribute to the growth of Allied Health and Healthcare Professions in Karnataka with KAHPA! 


Join KAHPA, the premier association for Allied and Healthcare Professionals in Karnataka, and unlock a world of opportunities and benefits tailored for both teaching faculty and students.

Teaching Faculty Membership: Rs.1000/year (Annual Membership)

Student Membership: Rs.500/year (Annual Membership)

Why Become a KAHPA Member?

1. Professional Development: Access to sustained professional-oriented training. Continuous knowledge upgrading throughout your career. Mandatory continuous learning for Allied Health and Healthcare Professional practitioners.

2. Advanced Education System: Design and implementation of the Continuing Allied Health Sciences Education (CAHSE) system based on global best practices.

3. Exposure to Clinical Frontiers: Extensive coverage of current and advanced expositions on Allied Health and Healthcare Professionals.

4. Networking and Collaboration: Establish contacts with similar organizations and institutions in India and abroad. Connect with a vibrant community of healthcare professionals.

5. Educational Programs:
Unveiling clinical-friendly educative programs to enrich the careers of Allied Health and Healthcare Professional members.

6. Publications and Research Opportunities:
Promote publications through print and electronic media on career development, management, and administration.
Opportunities to undertake research projects on education, career development, management, and administration.

7. Promoting High Standards: Promotion of high professional standards and conduct among the members.

8. Community Healthcare Initiatives: Support and promotion of community-based healthcare undertakings.

9. Future Welfare Schemes: Introduction of welfare schemes for the betterment of KAHPA members. Education promotional and assistance schemes for the dependents of Association members.

10. Charitable Objectives:
Engage in charitable activities, including education, without involving any business activity.

11. Legal Support and Representation: Receive legal support and representation in matters related to Allied Health and Healthcare Professionals

Who are the Stakeholders in KAHPA?

Members of the association, i.e.
Physical therapists, occupational therapists, radiology/imaging technology technicians, radiotherapy technicians, laboratory technicians, respiratory care technicians and such other allied and healthcare professionals.
Allied Healthcare Professionals
Patients, caregiver and their kith and kin.Hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare organisations.
Patients and Hospitals
Central Government, State Government, all local or other authorities and Regulatory Bodies or Agencies.
Government and regulatory agencies
Educationists and Academic Institutions. Other Professional Organizations e.g.Medical Associations, Nursing Organizations etc.,
Educationists and Academic Institutions and Professional organizations

How to become member of KAHPA?



Ensure he/she is graduated from any University approved by the UGC or Institution approved by the Government of Karnataka or any other Government or such other Authorities.



Obtain application form from KAHPA or download the application from the Official website of KAHPA paying the fess as may be prescribed;



Now it’s time for submission of the application. Submit the application to the Office of KAHPA.

4. Verify

Submit photo copy of the testimonials in support of the information
recorded in the application.

Join Us

send your applications at kahpassociation@gmail.com